I had a referral come from Alabama. The client wanted to go out and catch redfish. Which we did really well at! We got at lease 20 reds. We had 3 rods going at the same time so I invited a veteran who was not doing so well to come over and grab on to a rod rigged and already hooked up. He came over and went for a sleigh ride! Very cool indeed. The nicest thing was that the client was into it! He was all for helping a military member out! Awesome!
I later found out that the vet was a pilot down at MacDill AFB. He emailed me this!
Couple more shots of you at work.
May I say how darned nice it was of you to offer a total stranger bait and then a rod already hooked up!
What a blessing to see people with good hearts and openness. That speaks volumes Dave and I was touched by your kindness.
Have a blessed Sunday and customers a plenty!
I think that is really nice!