I got the call from Billy Miller early Friday Morning for a trip that was supposed to have a pick up time at 9:00 am. One of my buddies had one of those days when everything went wrong! I showed up at the dock with help from Captain Mike Gore who got me bait! Thank you Mike! Within 1 hour I made it 20 miles through the water and 5 miles from my house with all my rods rigged and dressed to make it happen. I want to let you know that things happen when you live your life on the water! Engines Break! Trailers break! Trucks Break! Everything that could go wrong can and will! Electrical, Bait well pumps, GPS bottom sounders, even the reels, line on your rods all the way down to the leader material and knots that you tie! It all breaks! That is why we charge the rates we charge as a full time fishing guide in Tampa bay I guess in life we should be more accepting of things breaking and not going the way we thought it would! I will say that I try to make redundancy a must on my boat and that helps a bit! I have 3 pre-rigged baitwell pumps! I have tools on boat to make on the fly repairs. I do a fair amount of my own engine repair, and I do my best with the electrical.
All this to make sure you have a great time fishing on your vacation with your family!
The picture attached is the result! Great smiles all the way around!
Enjoy your days!