Not all fishing excursions work out perfectly! Sometimes it is cold, rainy and windy. These things happen and it happens sometimes with my best clients! I can not control the weather but I will try my best to get you on the fish if you have to go! Some holes will produce one day, then next all small fish. Sometimes the fish are in the flat and sometimes the pressure and cold run them off. Sometimes we run out of time. In my almost 7 full years of doing this.. all I can tell you is that I will try my best to put you on the fish and I will make sure the day before.. if you do not want to go due to the weather. I will be ok with your decision! The last thing I want to do is tell stories all day and not catch fish! Again, I will refer to the SILVER DOLLARS fishing story! Sometimes it can go the exact opposite direction!
Be good and make sure you remember who comes first!
When fishing it is Family! Then the client! I say that because I want to come home safe and sound to my wife son and daughter!