Fishing has been epic in Tampa Florida! I get calls people asking can I catch shark and I say sure! Hammer Head sharks, Bull Sharks, Black Tip, Bonnet and Spinner sharks. These are large fish! Done! Can we catch Tarpon….No I would not guarantee it but we have been jumping them! Check out the smile on the guy below! BIG PERMIT!! in 45-50 degree temperatures! In Tampa Florida! This wind was cranking 20 easy! This guy had flip flops on too! I was frozen but these guys were having a blast in their fishing charter, throwing in their lines and casting mullet fishing nets! Great day!
WE are getting pompano too! These fish are $60.00 fish. You can go to Columbia restaurant and order a side for $30 or go to Donatello’s and get a side for $45
My repeat clients came down a few times this month and one time we whacked the kings bonita and sharks. This time we got 32 species of fish in 3 days. So cool and Nick can fish. His girl had a good time too!
Big UGly showed up quite a few times on this trip and Black Drum can pull for sure! They have some worms in the large ones but the smaller ones do not and taste great!
Big Cobia too! This was a Christmas fishing trip that his girlfriend gave him and he was great at getting this beast in on 10 lb test. Perfect rod handling too!
More cobia, Sheepshead, mangrove snapper and pompano to round out the day. Big trout show up too and make for some mixed bag and tasty treats!
Kids have a blast too catching red fish and these were kinda small but the day would dictate the fish we got! i went all over the world trying to get these fish and we got them!
Sight casting for cobia in ultra shallow water makes for a great and successful trip!
As you can see 6 people fit in my boat comfortably. I get so many calls about fishing this many people and i tell them that they will understand when they get in the boat and all of them can fish. The gause built boat is truely a fishing machine!
More pompano and we get into some interesting special snapper offshore. We got some monster yellow tail snapper that are quite frankly my favorite fish to eat!
King Mackerel show up in the mix as well! good action on 10lb test. If you have not figured this out but all I fish is 10 lb braid. So when you see a big fish understand no mistakes can be a
Even though I have some snook pictures I do not target them. But every once in a while they show up and i will spend my time releasing them as these fish are already stressed out.